Our Curriculum
The Early Years Foundation Stages (EYFS) is a childcare framework that all childcare establishments in the country must follow. Children develop quickly in the early years therefore our Early Year Practitioners aim to do all they can to help children have the best possible start in life. We implement and promote the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS 2021 as ammended in 2024) through a wide range of activities that promote children's interests and needs, taking into account the statutory educational programmes for the 7 areas of learning.
The nursery has a small outdoor area which surrounds the building and is easily accessible. The area is secured by the wrought iron gates which can be locked with a Fire Brigade Key. In developing the area we have applied a soft play surface and shading from the sun and rain.
Our outdoor provision is highly equipped with a vast range of resources to enhance the individual development enabling children to become confident learners through playful and meaningful experiences.
Our Extra Curricular activities
We provide additional, focused learning opportunities to help the children in our care get off to the brightest start possible.
7 areas of learning and developemnt
Children are individually supported in developing confidence, autonomy and self-respect. They are encouraged to work and concentrate independently and to take part in the life of the nursery, sharing and co-operating with other children and adults. Through activities, conversations and practical examples their feelings and to have respect for the feelings of others. All children are given the opportunity, as appropriate, to take responsibility for themselves, the nursery, its members and its property. When planning for our children we promote the Characteristics of Effective Learning through Play and Exploration, which is a fundamental aspect of children's development.
By providing opportunities for your child to play in an environment that is rich in language, he/she will begin to extend his/her vocabulary and fluency by talking and listening, hearing and responding to rhymes Children are encouraged to extend their vocabulary and fluency by talking and listening, hearing and responding to rhymes. They are helped to understand the written symbols have meaning, to be for the purposes of writing and, when they are ready, to use drawn or written symbols independently. Our book corner will give your child and opportunity to become familiar with books.
A range of equipment and opportunities, both indoors and out of doors will allow your child to develop confidence and enjoyment in the use and the development of their bodily skills A high level of adult supervision enables them to safely create and meet physical challenges, developing increasing skill, control in moving, climbing and balancing. At the same time, they will practice manipulative skills needed for pencil control, precision and early writing. Your child is also encouraged to develop an awareness of their own body and how to keep it healthy. At BrightStart ChildCare we focus on the children's physical development, which is a main area of learning of the curriculum. Consequently, in addition to our planned physical activities we also run a weekly JumpStart Physical Education Programme™ to enhance children's gross motor skills (co-ordination and balance).
Through practical experience and adult support, your child will become familiar with sorting, matching, ordering, sequencing and counting activities that form the basis for early mathematics As your child develops, their mathematical understanding to solve practical problems, they are assisted to learn and use mathematical words. For example, shape, size, volume and numbers. Songs games and picture books will also help your child to become aware of number sequences.
Through the use of phonics and letters and sounds activities, your child will be encouraged to link sounds and letters in preparation for reading and writing Children are helped to understand that written symbols have meaning, to be for the purposes of writing and, when they are ready, to use drawn or written symbols independently. Our book corner will give your child an opportunity to become familiar with books.
A safe and stimulating environment allows your child to observe and experiment with a range of natural and manufactured materials. They will learn to recognise differences, patterns and similarities and to share and record their feelings. They are encouraged to explore and understand the environment both within the nursery and in the wider community. They will learn to respect other people and expect to be respected themselves. A range of safe and well-maintained equipment will enable your child to extend their technological understanding, using simple tools and techniques as appropriate to solve problems and achieve a particular outcome. BrightStart ChildCare offers stimulating activities through physical interaction such as Busy Feet (music and movement) as well as exploring the environment by using different textiles and materials. From an early age our staff encourage and support children to learn through sensory experiences e.g., malleable play, messy play and mark making in a rich and stimulating environment.
Your child is encouraged to use a wide range of resources to express their own ideas and feelings. Art equipment, including paint, glue, crayons, pencils and natural resources e.g. leaves provide open ended exploration of colour, shape, texture and the development of skills in painting, drawing and collage. There are many opportunities for imaginative role-play, both individually and as part of a group. The Fresh Arts drama workshops offer children to express their ideas to develop them further through imaginative play and encourage them to interact and turn take with their peers during their learning experiences led by qualified professionals.
You can enquire directly from our website.
We are happy to show you and your child(ren) around the nursery and answer any questions you may have.